Elfen Lied Wiki

Opposing Chief Kakuzawa

Saseba is the name of the Diclonius research project sponsored solely by the Japanese government, supposedly to concentrate on research into Diclonius' telekinetic Vectors while research on the Diclonius virus was to take place at the Diclonius Research Institute.

In reality, the Japanese government was already deeply suspicious of the DRI's head, Chief Kakuzawa and began research into the military application of vector-based biotechnology, for use against the Diclonius, but also for possible use against Kakuzawa himself. While still considering Lucy to be the ultimate threat, Saseba began to send agents in posing as people loyal to Kakuzawa and his agenda. It is possible, though not confirmed in-story, that Saseba recruited Kurama after his falling-out with Kakuzawa over the fate of Nana, since Kurama later knows things about Kakuzawa's hidden agenda he previously seemed ignorant of. In turn, Kurama may have recruited Bando as well, explaining his ultimate survival in the series.

Through these infiltrators, Saseba learned the truth : Kakuzawa, far from being a difficult ally in the fight against the Diclonus, actually considered himself one of them and had plans to speed their takeover of the planet. While a deadly final encounter with Lucy ended those plans, Saseba decided not to wait, and ordered the First Escort Fleet to sail against the island stronghold of the Institute. Unknown to the crews of the ships in the fleet, specialized Vector Attack Crafts were among their cargo. Their mission was twofold : One, to recover any and all files from the DRI pertaining to the virus and a possible vaccine. Two, to keep any foreign governments from learning of Japan's former involvement with Kakuzawa. In the course of the operation and the destruction on the island, most combatants on both sides were killed and all but one vector craft destroyed. Still, the operation did succeed in rescuing the Anti-Diclonius Birth Vaccine and its developer, Arakawa. The series end states that the vaccine was ultimately distributed worldwide.

Saseba accomplished many of its goals, but given the worldwide crisis caused by Diclonius attacks, it remains unclear if its goal of hiding the involvement of the Japanese government in once aiding Kakuzawa was successful.

Its known and stated agents inside the Diclonius Research Institute include Shirakawa, and the unnamed Agent who took part in the raid and assault on Maple House. Outside agents included the Escort Fleet Operatives overseeing the use of the Vector Attack Craft by the First Escort Fleet, with sufficient authority to override the Fleet Commander.
