Shueisha is a publishing firm in Japan over eight decades old, the publisher of such manga-based magazines as Weekly Young Jump. It employs hundreds of men and women, including Lynn Okamoto, who created Elfen Lied in weekly installments from 2002-2005, Nononono from 2007 to its completion, as well as Gokukoku No Brynhildr from January 2012.
Shueisha started to publish outside Japan as well as in Germany (2001-2005), US (2002-), Taiwan (1992-) and some popular mangas such as One Piece, Bleach, etc. were translated. They also newly started to publish a bi-monthly magazine in China starting from Feb. this year (2015).
In the US, they established VIZ Communication Inc. (now VIZ Media) in 2002 and started publication from Nov. 26th, 2002 issue and finished the publication in March 2012. Instead they started an on-line magazine "Weekly Shonen Jump Alpha" from the January 30th, 2012 issue. Official English site is here. (
Early reports after the disastrous March 2011 Earthquake indicate that Shueisha suffered no losses among its employees. It had yet to publish or authorize the publication of Elfen Lied in a North American or English-language edition until 2019.